I am currently a 4th year PhD candidate at EPFL Lausanne pursuing my doctoral studies under
supervision of Sabine Süsstrunk at Image and
Visual Representation Laboratory (IVRL) .
Before joining EPFL, I did my bachelor's degree at Sharif University of
Technology in Iran majoring in Computer Engineering and a minor in Mathematics.
My research in the last years has been focused on studying Neural Cellular Automata (NCA)
models. NCAs demonstrate how self-organization and complexity can emerge from simple local
interactions. The advantage of NCAs over traditional Cellular Automata is that they are
differentiable and can be trained with gradient-based methods.
I'm interested in Computer Vision and Computer Graphics research. I like
to design (bio and physics)-inspired models to tackle different problems in these fields.
More recently, I am also learning and doing research on Artificial Life. I am interested in
the emergence of life-like behaviors such as Solitons, Self-Organization, and
Update: I am looking for postdoc or research scientist positions.
Feel free to reach out to discuss potential opportunities or collaborations.
MeshNCA is a type of Neural Cellular Automata that can operate
on cells arranged on a 3D mesh. MeshNCA can simultaneously generate multiple textures
(albedo, normal, roughness, ...) for Physically-based-rendering (PBR).
It also enables grafting multiple NCA models on each other to create mixture of textures.
Checkout the demo!
We propose a small change to Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) and show that the update rule
learned by NoiseNCA
actually correspond to a continuous space-time Partial Differential Equation (PDE).
Utilizing this emergent space-time continuity, NoiseNCA allows changing the speed of the
pattern formation
and the scale of the patterns at inference time.
Checkout the demo!
Trained Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) models exhibit many emergent behaviors, such as
self-organization, and spontaneous motion. In this paper we investigate the spontaneous
motion property
of NCAs. We find that the ratio between the number of channels in the cell state
and the number of hidden neurons in the update rule is a key factor that controls the
NCA stability and emergent motion in the NCA generated patterns.
We introduce the Locally Effective Latent Space Direction (LELSD) framework, a novel
approach to localized image editing in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which
utilizes a new objective function incorporating supervision from a pre-trained segmentation
We present an uncomplicated non-parametric baseline that attains the lowest error based on a
widely adopted metric within the field. This serves to demonstrate the misleading nature of
this particular metric.
News 📰
July. 2024
NoiseNCA won the Best Student Paper Award at ALife 2024.
July. 2024
I will attend Siggraph 2024 Conference. Visa problems...
July. 2024
I will attend Artificial Life (ALife 2024) Conference. Let's meet there!
May. 2023
Two papers accepted to ALife 2024.
Mar. 2023
MeshNCA was accepted as a journal paper to SIGGRAPH 2024.